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Progress to Date



Despite the massive scale of the disaster, vital infrastructure such as roads and rail networks was operational just weeks after the earthquake and tsunami struck. International flights from Sendai Airport had resumed by March 27, 2011 and international shipping routes were re-established by April 2011, with the majority of trade and transport routes becoming operational just six months later in September 2011. 

In terms of basic infrastructure and what would be considered "Lifeline" public services, there has been close to full restoration. For example, electricity has been restored to 96% of pre-disaster levels, with only those areas where the tsunami completely swept away buildings and which are now designated as 'no entry' zones remaining without power. The same is the case with gas supplies, which have been 86% restored, and water supplies, which have been 98% restored. In the case of communications infrastructure, both fixed line telephone lines and wireless services have been 99% restored, while postal delivery services have been fully restored.

Having restored essential infrastructure and services, progress is now also being made on longer-term infrastructure redevelopment initiatives, including coastal facilities, following extensive planning and consultation with local stakeholders.






