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Minister, State Ministers and Parliamentary Vice-Ministers


Minister for Reconstruction

Minister for Reconstruction
Minister in Charge of Comprehensive Policy Coordination for Revival from the Nuclear Accident at Fukushima


Date of Birth : February 9, 1952

Place of Birth : Saitama prefecture

Political Party : Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

Member of the House of Representatives  (Elected 8 times)

Brief personal history

Dec 2012

Deputy Secretary-General, LDP

Sep 2013

State Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2nd Abe Cabinet)

Dec 2014

Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives

Nov 2015

Deputy Chairperson, Public Relations Headquarters, LDP

Director, Publicity and Strategies Division, Public Relations Headquarters, LDP

Aug 2016

Chairperson, Headquarters for Promoting Women's Active Participation

Jan 2018

Chief Directory, Research Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy

Oct 2018

Chairperson, Women Political Leaders (WPL) Summit concurrently leader of the Diet delegation

Oct 2019

Chairperson, Special Committee on Consumer Affairs

Oct 2020

Chief Directory, Committee on Environment

Chairperson, Research Commission on Dietary Education

Deputy Chairperson General Council

Sep 2023

Minister for Reconstruction Minister in charge of Comprehensive Policy Coordination for Revival from the Nuclear Accident at Fukushima (2nd Reshuffled Kishida Cabinet)

State Minister for Reconstruction
TAKAGI Hirohisa

State Minister for Reconstruction


Date of Birth : April 9, 1960

Place of Birth : Sapporo city, Hokkaido prefecture

Political Party : Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

Member of the House of Representatives

Brief personal history

Mar 1984

Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Keio University

Aug 1987

Graduated Western Washington University (MBA)

Oct 1987

The Hokkaido Takushoku Bank, Ltd.

Jan 1995

Hokkaido Prefectural Police

Oct 2001

Asahi Audit corporation

Apl 2007

Member of Hokkaido prefectural Assembly (for 2 subsequent terms)

Oct 2012

Elected to the House of Representatives (for 3 subsequent terms)

Oct 2015

Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office (3rd reshuffled Abe Cabinet)

Sep 2023

State Minister for Reconstruction (2nd reshuffled Kishida Cabinet)

State Minister for Reconstruction
HIRAKI Daisaku

State Minister for Reconstruction


Date of Birth : October 16, 1974

Place of Birth : Nagano prefecture

Political Party : Komeito

Member of the House of Councillors

Brief personal history

Mar 1998

Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Tokyo University

Apl 1998

Joined Citibank Japan Ltd.

May 2008

Graduated Master of business administration degree From IESE Business School in Spain

Jul 2008

Joined Booz & Company Inc.

Oct 2010

Joined SIGMAXYZ Holdings Inc.

Jul 2013

Elected to the House of Councillors (Proportional Representation)

Aug 2017

Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction
(3rd reshuffled Abe Cabinet)

Nov 2017

Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction
(4th Abe Cabinet)

Dec 2021

Chairperson, General Council of the House of Councillors

Sep 2023

State Minister for Reconstruction (2nd reshuffled Kishida Cabinet)

State Minister for Reconstruction
DOKO Shigeru

State Minister of Land, Infrastucture, Transport and Tourism
State Minister of Cabinet Office
State Minister for Reconstruction

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction

Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction


Date of Birth : November 11, 1979

Place of Birth : Okayama city, Okayama prefecture

Political Party : Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

Member of the House of Representatives

Brief personal history

Mar 1998

Graduated Okayama Daiichi high school, Okayama Prefectural

Mar 2002

Graduated Faculty of Economics Gakushuin University


Joined Sony Marketing inc.

May 2006

President of Reboot inc.

Oct 2021

Elected to the House of Representatives

Sep 2023

Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction
(2nd Reshuffled Kishida Cabinet)

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction


YOSHIDA Nobuhiro

OZAKI Masanao
