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The Way Forward

The Way Forward


On-going Commitment
The Government is committed to creating an environment in which each and every disaster victim is able to go about rebuilding their livelihood.

Special Zones for Reconstruction
To accelerate reconstruction and stimulate investment in the affected regions, the Government has established a system of Special Zones for Reconstruction, focused on offering deregulation and simplified statutory procedures, a variety of tax breaks and financial incentives, and new mechanisms to facilitate land-use restructuring.


As part of ongoing reconstruction efforts, a number of groundbreaking initiatives are now underway in Tohoku's three prefectures, focusing on leveraging new technologies to develop safe, sustainable and energy-efficient communities. In particular, key development areas include ICT & agriculture and clean energy. A number of projects are targeting technological innovation in agriculture to make farming more sustainable and efficient. In addition, lessons learned from the March 2011 earthquake are being used in the development of "Smart Community" and "Future City" initiatives, which are aimed at revitalizing the region's economy and supporting the redevelopment of communities affected by the disaster.


